e-Publishing is an online resource site where you can upload and download Christian materials such as Bibles, Praise books, study materials. Most of them are copyright free to download and use.
Where do you go when you need Nepali Christian study materials? To the bookstore, online, or the library? There have been many resources transited into Nepali, used, shelved somewhere and forgotten. Himalaya Technology Solutions’ e-Publishing website is an online library of those scattered and forgotten materials that gives access for Christians to read and study.
- Share your materials freely or earn a profit by by having your material uploaded to our e-Publishing site.
- Read Nepali anywhere in the world by simply downloading material in suitable format to use.
- For a hardcopy, simply place your order and pick up from our office.

Our Address
Himalaya Technology Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Lalitpur Sub-Metropolitan Ward No. 25
Lalitpur Nepal
Postal Address
G.P.O. Box-8975, E.P.C. Box-1484